The red shift that is normally associated with an expanding universe, has a more logical explanation and it does not support the big bang >>>think critically...
The purpose of this article is to publish and comment upon a letter written by Louis Essen and sent to Dr. Carl Zapffe. The letter is interesting because it compresses into a few short lines the essence of Louis Essen’s criticism of Einstein’s theory of relativity. >>>think critically...
Now the fact is this: The Sagnac effect is fatal to SRT as presently practiced. Draper people already knew that, and I soon knew it too. And that is how I became a Dissident Physicist. >>>think critically...
It wasn't until just days ago that I finally came to the realization as to why Einstein became so famous. After almost three decades studying arguments against relativity including spending over 8 years making the documentary "Einstein Wrong", I finally pinpointed exactly why the public put Einstein onto a pedestal. >>>think critically...
The Ionic Growing Earth (IGE) posits the same 8-elements that started the Earth, heated the planet for the first 3 – 3.5 billion years of its existence (see IGE Fig. 1r below). The arrival of water ~ 1400 mya solidified the molten crust and by ~1200 mya submerged the smaller planet. (~700-800 km radius). Dating the oldest land plants and spores indicates land emerged above water ~470 mya (~1600 ... >>>think critically...
Theories (2559)
Physics is currently in a model revolution. Thomas Kuhn’s book on “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions†tells us that when our current model enters “model crisisâ€, we enter “model revolution†where current scientific data on the universe can be described by multiple models. You will find some of these competing models here. >>>think critically...
Big Bang proponents have no good observational evidence for their theory that alternative, more credible theories can also account for in better ways. The most frequently used argument in support of BBT is the 2.70K of the CMB. This is supposedly due to a hypothesized photon-decoupling period about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. The theory proposes that when the Universe was 4,000°K, photons d... >>>think critically...
Start Here (2398)
You consider yourself woke. Eyes wide open. You’re not letting anyone fool you anymore. And you realize you can’t believe everything you read or hear from the media. But did you ever wonder whether all those “crazy†articles about dark matter, 11 dimensions, multi-universes, and those exotic-sounding particles like quarks and gluons may be in fact, ne’er we say it: be the product of theoreticians gone wrong? That physics and cosmology have lost their way? That the universe may in fact not be the problem, but it is our theories and our theoreticians? >>>think critically...
Einstein's fame didn't come from his famous equation E = mc^2, but from his predication that gravity bends light. And if are keeping up with science in the media and online, you see scientists talking about examples all over the universe where they use the bending of light for useful observations including finding planets around other suns. >>>think critically...
The Great Math Mystery Episode of the PBS popular science series NOVA asks the question: Is math a human invention or the discovery of the language of the universe? It seems to this writer that there is actually no question here at all. The correct answer is that mathematics is a human invention. So one has to contemplate, why is the question being asked at all? >>>think critically...
There are many questions that need to be answered in science. Critical thinkers are people that recognize these questions, which are sometimes problems or imperfections in an existing scientific theory. Although there are not always answers to every problem, the first step is acknowledging that there is a problem. These are some of the flaws that can be found in mainstream theories. >>>think critically...
Memes (2140)
Here are some memes to promote science woke on social media channels. Feel free to use them on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites to help create more critical thinkers in science! If you have suggestions for a meme, please send us a message to >>>think critically...
Alexander Unzicker is a theoretical physicist and writes about elementary questions of natural philosophy. His critique of contemporary physics Bankrupting Physics (Macmillan) received the ‘Science Book of the Year’ award (German edition 2010). With The Mathematical Reality, Unzicker presents his most fundamental work to date, which is the result of years of study of natural laws and their historical development.The discovery of fundamental laws of nature has influenced the fate of Homo sapiens more than anything else. Has modern physics already understood these laws? >>>think critically...
Scientists (2037)
These are the critical thinkers that are taking on Big Physics and Big Cosmology and moving science forward. From PHDs in relativity from MIT to an ex-supreme court justice, they are from varied backgrounds but all are seeking truth – even if it means taking on Big Science. >>>think critically...
This video could change everything you think about modern science and physics. It's implications are huge and watching them over and over to see how all the continents fit together is addictive! >>>think critically...
There are dozens of candidates for new models for the universe today. Find out why and how we got to today's Model Revolution. Mainstream science has become unbelievable and religious like with all attempts to criticize it met with immediate rejection. There are lots of new theories and models from critical thinkers outside the mainstream that greatly improve upon current theory. >>>think critically...
Mainstream media calls upon these science evangelists to help explain difficult concepts from Big Science. The question is: do they help or hinder scientific progress? >>>think critically...
The Theory of Natural Philosophy was written in Vienna and is Roger Boscovich’s magnum opus. There are two editions. The first edition, the Vienna edition, was finished while Boscovich was living in Vienna, Austria in the years 1756-1760. In 1758, when Boscovich was age 47, the First, or Vienna, edition appeared. Later in 1763, Boscovich published a second edition in Venice. Significantly the second edition has a completely different title, which reflects a different idea which Boscovich had regarding his finalized system of natural philosophy. >>>think critically...
The Antennae Galaxies (Arp 244) is one of hundreds of peculiar galaxies catalogued by Halton Arp. >>>think critically...
YouTube Channels (1690)
Here you will find YouTube channels of those critical thinkers working outside of Big Physics and Big Cosmology. These include the CNPS, Dissident Science, Particle Guru, Energy Wave Theory, Nick of Time, The Machian, Sky Scholar and others. >>>think critically...
While I was working there, I sometimes had to go down to the basement and peel potatoes alone, in a dark, cold, and wet room. At first, I didn’t like this dungeon-like place, especially when it was icy cold and snowing outside. But I found that because my task was easy, and there was no one around to bother me, I could spend lots of time thinking about physics, while peeling those potatoes. At the time, I was reading a book about Einstein’s Relativity Theory. >>>think critically...
This discussion is about the encounter of a genius, Dr Carl Andrew Zapffe, with relativity physics. There are two main points. The first is that Dr Zapffe was not a fool or an ignorant person, he was trained scientist who, when he investigated the arcane details of relativity, discovered that Einstein had made a mistake. Being a conscientious person he felt obligated to bring this to the attention of the scientific community. Our story is about how his views were received. How one famous author of relativity books concluded that he was a “cod“, and how NASA rejected his idea to perform a crucial experiment that would determine once and for all the validity of the foundations of relativity. >>>think critically...
The Catt Question Background (1448)
Many people have difficulty in understanding the Catt Question. This is understandable given the inconsistency and confusion that is produced by the current definition of electricity. (Here is the original formulation of the question.) >>>think critically...
At first glance, the flat earth movement seems to undermine everything rational in science. Mainstream media and even dissident scientists like to point out how the flat earth movement is proof that the internet can spread scientific heresy to a gullible population. But there is a larger more nefarious agenda behind mainstream science’s attack on the flat earth movement and that attack is far far more dangerous than the “flat earth society†itself. >>>think critically...
You will be shocked to find out that the majority of physicists do not in fact support the musings of the theoretical physicists who play with very large and expensive equipment. >>>think critically...
Our Sun has confronted humanity with overwhelming evidence that it is comprised of condensed matter. Dismissing this reality, the standard solar models continue to be anchored on the gaseous plasma. >>>think critically...
Aether Theories (1349)
Aether theories have the specific goal of describing light waves as waves through a medium called aether. Most modern aetherists also try to use aether to describe gravity and even magnetic fields. >>>think critically...
How Big Science Fools Us All (1284)
According to Big Science, you are too dumb to understand the complicated universe. But is the universe complicated, or our theories? >>>think critically...
Editorial Staff (1268)
Our editorial staff are made up of scientists and engineers, some of who have professional writing experience. All have decades of experience in studying, observing, and working within the world-wide dissident science community. >>>think critically...
This paper defines a new way to assess the scientific value of Einstein’s special theory of relativity by defining a concept called irksomeness. This follows by converting the adjective irksome, meaning vexatious or troublesome, into a noun. We will call a theory irksome by the following definition: An irksome theory is one in which each of its component demonstrations makes sense or is rational, but the theory as a whole makes no sense or is irrational. Hence a theory, such as relativity, which is a very good example of a theory possessing this characteristic, is irksome or possesses irksomeness, if it satisfies the above definition. An irksome theory is recalcitrant in that its inconsistencies, anomalies, or paradoxes refuse to be tamed or effectively eliminated. It is also irksome when its concepts can not be clearly defined in a way such that there is a consistent agreement regarding its essential truth claims. >>>think critically...
Become A Critical Thinker! (1196)
So you consider yourself to have your eyes wide open to politics, the environment, to income inequality and the like. But now is the time you need to become science woke. >>>think critically...
Smoot’s mission was to see if there were “wrinkles†in the CBR representing the earliest signals of the Big Bang – from about 300,000 years after the bang. Smoot & team also had to make a detailed map of radiation from our galaxy and indeed from the whole sky so that they could remove “noise†radiation from their data. >>>think critically...
Historians condense the facts to make complex social movements simple and understandable in hindsight. Our movement to reform establishment science, making it responsible to the needs of people who fund science with their taxes, and not a servant of the established state system, traces its origin to the work of Dr. John E. Chappell Jr., who organized the predecessor of the JCNPS known as the Natural Philosophy Alliance or NPA. >>>think critically...
The hype for the latest "great scientific achievement" follows other recent "great scientific achievements" such as the detection of "gravity waves" and the confirmation of the Higgs Boson known as the "god particle". These announcements are usually publicized weeks in advance in order to create maximum hype and peek interest in what quickly becomes irrelevant to society as a whole. >>>think critically...
Fighting Big Science (1090)
For the vast majority of people who love science, it is a shock to learn that Big Science suppresses any criticisms of the foundations of physics or cosmology. For those who want to be scientifically woke, a good place to start is to read about those people whose voices have been suppressed when trying to take on Big Science. >>>think critically...
The Veritable Number System (1069)
It seems quite outrageous to think that our wonderfully useful and familiar "real number system" in mathematics is flawed. How can that be? >>>think critically...
STATUS: Coming
I am an electrical engineer by trade. I have designed circuit boards all my life and never thought too much about the physics behind them. Now, using my Particle Model to interpret the physical reality of electronic components, I have come to realize that there are no negative numbers in physics. >>>think critically...
The earliest empirical data directly related to “time dilation†came from particle accelerators. These results seemed to confirm Einstein’s time dilation prediction. When unstable particles had “high velocityâ€, their half-lives were greatly increased – in other words, “high velocity†particles survived longer than “low velocity†particles before they decayed. >>>think critically...
It all started when a brilliant young Argentinian student asked his college physics professor a simple question: why a kinetic energy equation was being applied to radioactivity for making calculations for energy loss? (see my article on what young Carezani found). Radioactive elements give off ener... >>>think critically...
With all the triumphs that Big Physics trumpets from their cathedral of the Large Hadron Collider, it is noteworthy news when one of their high priests or in this case priestesses leaves abdicates their lofty position and then goes onto reveal why the left. And it isn't a positive story. >>>think critically...
Ok, we've all been there. You are at a party, and the local intellectual is spouting off the latest from the world of physics or cosmology, trying to show they are "up-to-date" on all the latest from Big Science and you aren't. Their goal isn't to engage in stimulating conversation or an interesting debate. Their goal is to make themselves appear to be smarter than everyone around them. Sad fact: ... >>>think critically...
It was sometime in the late 2000s, while studying string theory, that I began to ask myself if modern physics was on the right track. I had a desire to understand the mysteries of the universe, but digging deeper into particle physics led to more questions not less. >>>think critically...
Although we owe respect to the pioneers of physics, including Coulomb, Newton, Ampere, Tesla and more, one of the issues that causes a separation of the electrical domain and mechanical domain of physics is that these physicists were honored by using their names for the units of matter and electromagnetic properties. By having a system with numerous units, the average student is not inclined to dive into the details of the true meaning of each property. >>>think critically...
This essay discusses the background for the Wakefield Experiments. This refers to two sets of experiments performed by Tony Wakefield an Australian amateur radio operator, or ham, who performed these experiments for Ivor Catt. The objective of these experiments was to verify the predictions made by Ivor Catt based upon his Theory C. This theory asserts several things. First, that a capacitor is a transmission line, and second, that there is no static charge in a capacitor, but that the stored energy consists of a reciprocating wave of energy that surges back and forth in a continuous cycle. The objective of the Wakefield experiments was to demonstrate this internal motion of electromagnetic waves inside a charged transmission line. >>>think critically...
This project intends to model the universe as a physical medium, oscillating to form waves, using only classical mechanics equations. Matter is expected to form from standing waves, and the forces upon such matter as a result of wave interference of longitudinal and transverse waves. This web site explains the mathematical model for the simulation. As potential starting points, a summary video highlights the simplicity of the model, or for more detail, three papers explain the model in classical terms. >>>think critically...
Theoretical science is progressing. But you never hear about in the news. No science evangelist has ever spoke of it and no one who who is truly advancing physics or cosmology today has won a Nobel prize. >>>think critically...
Particle Theories (775)
Particle models claim that the entire universe can be described as particles. These differ from aether models in that everything is not described as waves in particles. >>>think critically...
This is how astronomers and cosmologists do science: fraud by means of mass-media induced mass-hysteria. It beggars belief. Think about it: according to the astronomers and cosmologists the finite mass of their black hole is concentrated in a 'physical singularity' of zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity. But no finite mass has zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity, anywhere! >>>think critically...
The Impossible Photon (758)
Light just may be the most important phenomena in the universe to life. It transmits information about the physical world around us and has fascinated we humans for thousands of years. But the biggest question about light still remains: what is it really? Mainstream science tells us that it is photon. Yet if you look at conventional descriptions, one quickly learns that the definition seems still very unclear. >>>think critically...
Relativity Theories (754)
There are those who have studied relativity, found problems, corrected those problems, and have developed new "relativistic" equations. >>>think critically...
Herbert Dingle was a 20th century physicist, philosopher and historian of science, author of scientific books, and an untiring critic of science and scientific method. He is best known for his criticism of the special theory of relativity, stemming from controversies over the twins paradox in the 1950s, and his book Science At The Crossroads which documented how the scientific community attempted ... >>>think critically...