If you are new to the idea of being science woke, there are some big questions you have that need big answers. You will find some of these big questions answered in our “Big Picture†articles. He you will get a birds eye perspective of the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to critical thinking and Big Science.
It wasn't until just days ago that I finally came to the realization as to why Einstein became so famous. After almost three decades studying arguments against relativity including spending over 8 years making the documentary "Einstein Wrong", I finally pinpointed exactly why the public put Einstein onto a pedestal. >>>think critically...
So you consider yourself to have your eyes wide open to politics, the environment, to income inequality and the like. But now is the time you need to become science woke. >>>think critically...
There are dozens of candidates for new models for the universe today. Find out why and how we got to today's Model Revolution. Mainstream science has become unbelievable and religious like with all attempts to criticize it met with immediate rejection. There are lots of new theories and models from critical thinkers outside the mainstream that greatly improve upon current theory. >>>think critically...
According to Big Science, you are too dumb to understand the complicated universe. But is the universe complicated, or our theories? >>>think critically...
Universities, science magazines, and science evangelists never talk about problems with the big bang, relativity, particle physics, quantum mechanics and the like. To them, criticisms exist because those who criticize mainstream science simply don't understand the complexities of modern science.
Ok, we've all been there. You are at a party, and the local intellectual is spouting off the latest from the world of physics or cosmology, trying to show they are "up-to-date" on all the latest from Big Science and you aren't. Their goal isn't to engage in stimulating conversation or an interesting debate. Their goal is to make themselves appear to be smarter than everyone around them. Sad fact: ... >>>think critically...
Try this: go to your local university physics professor and tell them you have an experiment to show Einstein wrong and you want to perform it for a masters or PHD thesis. Or, tell them you want to write your thesis on how the Big Bang is wrong. What do you think >>>think critically...
It's a pretty bold statement: the John Chappell Natural Philosophy Soceity is the best scientific society on the planet. Ok, it doesn't have a large membership, it's not the most organized, and it certainly has little or no name recognition.
Mainstream media calls upon these science evangelists to help explain difficult concepts from Big Science. The question is: do they help or hinder scientific progress? >>>think critically...