Aether(5) Big Bang(8) Big Picture(12) Black Holes(7) Coming(4) Cosmology(7) Dark Matter(4) Documentary(3) Eureka(13) Expansion Tectonics(9) Featured(17) Fight(6) Gallery(2) General Relativity(5) Gravity(3) Math(3) Natural Philosophy(5) News(8) Particle Physics(8) Physics(5) Plate Tectonics(3) Mainstream Problems(26) Quantum Mechanics(6) Relativity(20) Special Relativity(16)
This project intends to model the universe as a physical medium, oscillating to form waves, using only classical mechanics equations. Matter is expected to form from standing waves, and the forces upon such matter as a result of wave interference of longitudinal and transverse waves. This web site explains the mathematical model for the simulation. As potential starting points, a summary video highlights the simplicity of the model, or for more detail, three papers explain the model in classical terms. >>>think critically...
At first glance, the flat earth movement seems to undermine everything rational in science. Mainstream media and even dissident scientists like to point out how the flat earth movement is proof that the internet can spread scientific heresy to a gullible population. But there is a larger more nefarious agenda behind mainstream science’s attack on the flat earth movement and that attack is far far more dangerous than the “flat earth society†itself. >>>think critically...
The Lifetime Achievement Award (2017) was bestowed on Maxlow for his work in geology, principally in developing Expansion Tectonics, including the generation of expansion models, in his lifetime pursuit of scientific truth. >>>think critically...
In the last few years, we have begun to see genuine cracks in mainstream science being openly published in mainstream media. Before, all we had to go on were immensely crazy articles about even more absurd concepts that left most of the critical thinkers and engineers shaking their heads and saying, “wake me up when you find something realâ€. Recently, two articles came out in mainstream media - one in the New York Times, and one in Scientific American - that illustrate the two types of articles we critical thinkers see as strong indications that Big Physics and Cosmology are in need of a major overhaul. >>>think critically...
The hype for the latest "great scientific achievement" follows other recent "great scientific achievements" such as the detection of "gravity waves" and the confirmation of the Higgs Boson known as the "god particle". These announcements are usually publicized weeks in advance in order to create maximum hype and peek interest in what quickly becomes irrelevant to society as a whole. >>>think critically...
Now to the question at hand: Does the black hole in M87 falsify the Big Bang Theory? According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe exploded out of nothing 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, matter has been accumulating in the form of about 2 trillion galaxies, with the youngest being spiralic and oldest being elliptical. >>>think critically...
This is how astronomers and cosmologists do science: fraud by means of mass-media induced mass-hysteria. It beggars belief. Think about it: according to the astronomers and cosmologists the finite mass of their black hole is concentrated in a 'physical singularity' of zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity. But no finite mass has zero volume, infinite density, and infinite gravity, anywhere! >>>think critically...
Particle Fever is a science documentary film that unmasks the deception behind modern particle physics in the course of making a documentary about the Large Hadron Collider or LHC and the claimed discovery of the Higgs Boson. The film takes us into the world of particle physics, its people, its machines and its human self deceptions, in a way never see... >>>think critically...