Did you ever wonder why animals and plants were so huge millions of years ago? It seems that our fascination with the world of the dinosaurs and their sizes is so fascinating, that we forget to ask the “biggest” question.
Science Magazine for Critical Thinkers
Did you ever wonder why animals and plants were so huge millions of years ago? It seems that our fascination with the world of the dinosaurs and their sizes is so fascinating, that we forget to ask the “biggest” question.
This video could change everything you think about modern science and physics. It’s implications are huge and watching them over and over to see how all the continents fit together is addictive!
Dark matter is predicted because mainstream science treats galaxies a point masses
The red shift that is normally associated with an expanding universe, has a more logical explanation and it does not support the big bang
Einstein’s fame didn’t come from his famous equation E = mc^2, but from his predication that gravity bends light. And if are keeping up with science in the media and online, you see scientists talking about examples all over the universe where they use the bending of light for useful observations including finding planets around other suns.
When looking at the distribution of galaxies, their distribution does not match a universe in expansion