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It wasn't until just days ago that I finally came to the realization as to why Einstein became so famous. After almost three decades studying arguments against relativity including spending over 8 years making the documentary "Einstein Wrong", I finally pinpointed exactly why the public put Einstein onto a pedestal. >>>think critically...
In the last few years, we have begun to see genuine cracks in mainstream science being openly published in mainstream media. Before, all we had to go on were immensely crazy articles about even more absurd concepts that left most of the critical thinkers and engineers shaking their heads and saying, “wake me up when you find something realâ€. Recently, two articles came out in mainstream media - one in the New York Times, and one in Scientific American - that illustrate the two types of articles we critical thinkers see as strong indications that Big Physics and Cosmology are in need of a major overhaul. >>>think critically...
There are dozens of candidates for new models for the universe today. Find out why and how we got to today's Model Revolution. Mainstream science has become unbelievable and religious like with all attempts to criticize it met with immediate rejection. There are lots of new theories and models from critical thinkers outside the mainstream that greatly improve upon current theory. >>>think critically...
According to Big Science, you are too dumb to understand the complicated universe. But is the universe complicated, or our theories? >>>think critically...
Einstein's fame didn't come from his famous equation E = mc^2, but from his predication that gravity bends light. And if are keeping up with science in the media and online, you see scientists talking about examples all over the universe where they use the bending of light for useful observations including finding planets around other suns. >>>think critically...