Aether(5) Big Bang(8) Big Picture(12) Black Holes(7) Coming(4) Cosmology(7) Dark Matter(4) Documentary(3) Eureka(13) Expansion Tectonics(9) Featured(17) Fight(6) Gallery(2) General Relativity(5) Gravity(3) Math(3) Natural Philosophy(5) News(8) Particle Physics(8) Physics(5) Plate Tectonics(3) Mainstream Problems(26) Quantum Mechanics(6) Relativity(20) Special Relativity(16)
Smoot’s mission was to see if there were “wrinkles†in the CBR representing the earliest signals of the Big Bang – from about 300,000 years after the bang. Smoot & team also had to make a detailed map of radiation from our galaxy and indeed from the whole sky so that they could remove “noise†radiation from their data. >>>think critically...
Like everyone else, regressive physicists and cosmogonists do not live on air. In the USA, money for science must go through Congress, the executive branch, or rich donors almost all of whom are extremely or at least moderately religious. The USA government is not going to finance the downfall of religion, which patriotically supports their military endeavors. >>>think critically...
Now to the question at hand: Does the black hole in M87 falsify the Big Bang Theory? According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe exploded out of nothing 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, matter has been accumulating in the form of about 2 trillion galaxies, with the youngest being spiralic and oldest being elliptical. >>>think critically...
A group of renowned cosmologists and astrophysicist are in search of a realistic picture of the universe. Their research and observational discoveries point in a direction diametrically opposed to the predominant Bog Bang theory – this leads to a series of sociological situations that verge on the extreme dogma controls wielded against Copernicus and Galileo in the past; only now against our protagonists of the 21st century. This is a controversial science documentary touching on the nerve of everything astronomers and cosmologist claim they know about the universe today. >>>think critically...
Big Bang proponents have no good observational evidence for their theory that alternative, more credible theories can also account for in better ways. The most frequently used argument in support of BBT is the 2.70K of the CMB. This is supposedly due to a hypothesized photon-decoupling period about 380,000 years after the Big Bang. The theory proposes that when the Universe was 4,000°K, photons d... >>>think critically...
The Antennae Galaxies (Arp 244) is one of hundreds of peculiar galaxies catalogued by Halton Arp. >>>think critically...
The red shift that is normally associated with an expanding universe, has a more logical explanation and it does not support the big bang >>>think critically...
When looking at the distribution of galaxies, their distribution does not match a universe in expansion >>>think critically...