Financing the Birth of Regressive Physics

Like everyone else, regressive physicists and cosmogonists do not live on air. In the USA, money for science must go through Congress, the executive branch, or rich donors almost all of whom are extremely or at least moderately religious. The USA government is not going to finance the downfall of religion, which patriotically supports their military endeavors.


Anti-Kuhn Paradigm

Thomas Kuhn generally is a hero among dissidents. Along with his explication of what it all meant, his invention of the word “paradigm” was his greatest achievement. A paradigm forms the body of data, assumptions, and interpretations guiding a discipline during a particular period. A paradigm cannot be overthrown by anyone whose livelihood depends on it—only outsiders need apply for that infrequent function.


Who is a Philosopher?

Actually, we are all philosophers, just as “we are all scientists” as the good book (“The Scientific Worldview”) says with its first sentence. The rest is just detail. My definition of philosophy is: The study and understanding of how the universe works. Thus, even infants begin their studies and understandings probably even before they are born. Of course, most folks are too busy subsisti…


Review of “Disruptive”—The Demise of Relativity

Steve Bryant’s remarkable book puts the kibosh on relativity where it really matters: mathematics. My own objections to both Special and General Relativity (SRT and GRT) are well known, being centered on Einstein’s flagrant violations of “The Ten Assumptions of Science,” particularly his objectification of motion.[1]  As a superb mathematician, Steve adheres to …
